
Monthly Archives:August 2013

Urkye Review: Kopertówka Shirt

The other week, bust-friendly Polish clothing company Urkye kindly offered to send me one of their newer styles of shirts, the Kopertówka, to try out. As Urkye has been one of my go-to places in terms of shirts for quite a while now, I was thrilled! (note blog policy) It was mentioned that the Kopertówka Continue Reading

CurveNV Overview

Earlier this week, I was lucky enough to get to attend the Curve Expo (a semi-annual buyer/seller geared lingerie convention) in Las Vegas (CurveNV). All sorts of lingerie brands attend Curve, and for press/bloggers like myself, it’s a great place to get a “first look” at upcoming lines, designs, and trends, as well as get Continue Reading